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Thanks to the generous support of Conyers, Future Leaders Bermuda welcomes applications on a twice a year basis for the Conyers ‘Future Leader’ Development Grants Fund.


The fund consists of a maximum of $10,000 in financial grants, awarded to Future Leaders to support projects, experiences and development pursuits for which funding would not typically be available through other means. Successful applicants can receive up to $5,000 and will have demonstrated a desire to use their leadership skills or personal talents & capabilities to develop a project, pursue an interest, or engage in personal and/or community development objectives. 


This might include, but is not limited to: personal or professional skills development, community projects, conference attendance, internships, educational or research trips,  further education, or other experiences & pursuits that will contribute to a Future Leader’s success and/or help a Future Leader to explore further personal, career, development, or community impact goals.


Eligibility: Persons 13 and older who have successfully completed

the Future Leaders Summer Induction Programme only. â€‹


For full terms of reference and details on how to apply, click here.


Provided by:

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$10,000 annual fund
Thank you Conyers!

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While there are a variety of scholarships and award opportunities available to top & high-achieving students wishing to pursue higher education, financial funding for other worthwhile endeavours by young people from all backgrounds is limited.


The Conyers ‘Future Leader’ Development Grants Fund aims to fill a gap for community and personal development pursuits, by offering a financial award to support Future Leaders to pursue a wide variety of projects and experiences which have the potential to create value and expand opportunities for success and impact. This is based on the fact that students may be keen to engage in a range of activities and pursuits beyond the mainstream, but lack funding to do so.


The Conyers Future Leader Development Grants Fund was officially launched in March 2022. Updates on successful Future Leader applicants and funded projects will be posted here.

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