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Live on Hott 1075 every other Wednesday at 1-2pm

Featured episodes online at Roose's Book Club TV


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An open community and curriculum
for nation-building & empowerment

by Future Leaders Bermuda


..:: Roose's Book Club was created out of a desire by young Bermudians to obtain deeper knowledge of their history, and critically discuss perspectives on issues facing our community in the context of the legacies of colonialism, underdevelopment, historical inequity and injustice.

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The name pays homage to Dr. Pauulu 'Roose' Kamarakafego - a Bermudian visionary, trailblazer and Pan-Africanist organizer for nation-building, empowerment and self-determination, whose reach spanned across the globe.

"I learned at a very early age that whatever knowledge I acquire from society does not belong to me. Therefore, my philosophy in life is that we should always give back to society wherever we are– be it Bermuda or some other place in the world."


— Pauulu 'Roose' Kamarakafego

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..:: To read and consider the selected materials each month, and provide support and accountability to each other as we progress;

Toward an Empowered Community based on COMMON UNDERSTANDING and

..:: To provide a safe space for individuals to grow on their personal journeys towards education and enlightenment for the benefit of the entire community;


Like our namesake, our aim is to share knowledge of our story and encourage all readers to pursue a path toward consciousness and empowerment, as we embrace the ideals of justice and nation-building with self-determination as the ultimate goal.

..:: To generate critical, real discussions on how the materials relate to us on an individual and socio-political level, connecting our experiences with our community and the wider world.

Join the Club!

1) ..:: Follow @roosesbookclub on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to view a list of books outlined in our curriculum and keep up with the latest announcements. 

2) ..:: Read the books in your own time as we progress through the curriculum. You can keep a journal, with a friend or engage in reflection as we navigate the various books and topics.

3) ..:: Listen and Share as we host live discussions about the various books and topics:

- Tune in to Hott 107.5 FM every other Wednesday from 1-2pm for interactive radio discussions; or


- Watch recorded podcast episodes of all sessions on our Youtube channel. 

for Nation-building & Empowerment


Pauulu Roosevelt Osiris Nelson Browne Kamarakafego

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